Greetings all,
I am a tenant unionist in Omaha, NE and an independent student of Marxist political economy. I read Measuring the Wealth of Nations last year, and plan on attempting Capitalism later this year after I've done some preparatory work.
A group of Marxists within the local tenants union we founded, Omaha Tenants United, are undertaking the task of attempting to put together a formal class analysis of the Omaha metro area.
My question is: since there do not appear to be subnational input-output tables available, I was wondering what some decent proxies might be for attempting to estimate the OCC, RoP, and rate of surplus value of Omaha. One idea that I had would be simply taking the national US IO tables to calculate the average OCC for each industry using the method described in Measuring the Wealth of Nations, and then scaling these down and weighting them based on the size of the Omaha economy and the relative percent that each industry makes up here, if that make sense. I understand this would be imprecise, but do you think this would at least provide a somewhat accurate approximation? Or would you recommend an alternative method/data source to do this?
Would love to hear any thoughts and ideas. We are hopeful that this class analysis will generate some new empirical work that has not been done here before that will be valuable for local organizers, and provide a blueprint for those elsewhere to follow.